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604 9901045

North Vancouver Yoga Classes, Yoga Therapy and Wellness, Somatic therapy, Women's retreats , Lynn Valley yoga

Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy & Intuitive Bodywork

Biodynamic Craniosacral


“We are whole from the moment we are conceived and, in this wholeness, we discover that our human system is unified and is never fragmented. Fragmentation is an illusion.”

“The essential work within the crainio field is the art of intelligent and intuitive listening. Practioners learn to perceive the body’s intrinsic movement dynamics, rhythms and pulsation. With in this context they are able to appreciate the inherent Health within the system and it’s historical patterns of trauma, pathology and inertia. “ Franklyn Sills

I didn’t know what to expect but at my first Cranio session I received something very powerful and life changing. I had a felt sense of a trauma pattern in my body. I felt the shape the location and the belief attached to it, I also felt the health in the centre . The truth in the centre. My birth right to wholeness. My second cranio session was when I had whip lash and in desperate pain went for a treatment. With in half an hour my neck was completely back to normal. What a relief! I was hooked and have referred many yoga students over the years for treatments. Now, after much learning through somatic awareness and pre and peri natal learning and healing ,I have trained through Body Intelligence & Visionary Craniosacral in BioDynamic Craniosacral Therapy.

We are working out the life traumas at a biological level, through nurishing the somatic pattern in a safe , slow and resourced way . I am honoured to be with you on that journey home.